Saturday, February 12, 2011

A lot of talk

Many days between posts, much to think about. Where we are going, what we are doing, how we can help. We will be joining Asian Hope to help them in their quest to bring peace and progress to the Cambodian people, and to address root causes of trafficking in the sex trade. We are terribly excited, but I am nervous, too. I wonder how God has decided that I am capable of taking on such huge responsibilities. I plan to do my best, but I'm not going to lie. I am scared of failing.

One thing I feel sure of, though, as I've dug into this trafficking issue. There is a LOT of talk. There is a huge number of NGOs that are doing nothing but talking. And I get that education, debate, raising awareness is all important, but isn't the action part MORE important? I mean, really, particularly in the United States, if we're going to have some kind of summit, or resolution on trafficking, it's just going to turn into a political platform, and jam up the government for the next two to four years. Why aren't more compelled to take the money their donors are giving them and DO something? Seriously. Here's someone doing more than talking the talk in Cambodia.

This is a little girl helping to build her own school at Andong, a village to which Cambodians were forcibly relocated in 2006.

This is the village for which the school is being built. This entire effort has been organized by one young man named Abraham, formerly a gang member, now serving Christ. He has been roofing these houses, one by one, at a cost of $300 each, When we met him, he had 40 houses to go. The next projects will be drainage and clean water. Please let me know if you would like to help with this project. For more on Andong's history and Abraham's story, see

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