Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Still angry

I've been working on my MBA for a little over a year, with a ton of support from my husband, and, of course, understanding from my kids. I'm gone almost every Monday and Wednesday night, to pursue another degree that we hope will benefit our family and our work in Kingdom growth somehow. I was driving to school last night, talking to Stephen on the phone, when I heard him answer the front door and then say, "Suzanne, Child Protective is here about Savannah."

Some of you know Savannah; more of you don't. She is our precious six-year-old, the happiest child on the planet, who loves everyone and loves life. She also has special needs. Less than two weeks after Savannah was born, she was diagnosed with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, a rare chromosomal disorder, that affects kids in more ways than we can count. Seizures, deformities, developmental delays, brittle bone syndrome, to name but a few, and, of course, failure to thrive, which apparently prompted someone in a medical provider's office to call CPS and report that Savannah was losing weight and looked "unhealthy." You think?

On top of having Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, she also has strep throat. Of course she looks unhealthy. What irritates me about this, though, is that (a) it just plain hurts. I don't like having to think about Savannah's disabilities, but more so, (b) while I understand that medical providers are one of the groups that are required to report suspected abuse by law, I also know that, had this person taken 5 minutes to look at Savannah's medical chart, he or she would have seen the diagnosis, and saved themselves, and us, a whole lot of heartache.

Long though the CPS interview was, it turned out fine, of course. We work hard to make sure that our kids have everything we need, and I know Savannah couldn't have better parents than Stephen and I, but I remain frustrated at how quick people are to judge, and how insensitive they are to their impact on the world around them. My friend, Anna, posted the video below on her Facebook page today, and it reminded me that I have still something to say about yesterday.

Think before you judge.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you posted this.. I get so aggravated when I go places with my oldest son and people look at him strange because of his disabilities and they stare at him and I ALWAYS say something to them. It makes me VERY IRATE.. I HATE most of all when someone says 'thats retarded'.. I even correct those who come to the hospital and make fun of others with disabilities.
