Saturday, February 5, 2011

One last thing

Before I left for Cambodia, my 12-year-old, Luc, asked me if I really thought I could stop human trafficking. Without missing a beat, I said, "Of course."

He and I did a book club last year on the book "Sold," and we still sometimes talk about what Lakshmi would have thought about what we're trying to do, and how nice it would be if no child ever had to be sold again. As my trip approached, I told Luc that, even if I only stopped one person from buying one girl, it would be better than not doing anything. And then I asked him to imagine if each person from his middle school sent one family member to Cambodia, or somewhere else that trafficking in children is prevalent, and stopped one sale, even just by taking a picture of a prospective purchaser. That would be another 1000 sales stopped. And what if everyone at our church, a membership of 8 to 10,000 people got in on the action? What if we each did just one thing?

I don't really think I can stop human trafficking, but I would never tell him that. And I do know, for certain, that God can and will. All we have to do is be the hands and feet (and sometimes voices.)

God bless. Good night.

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